Monday, November 26, 2007

Instruction for installing Chinese font - Huong dan cach cai dat Font Tieng Trung

If your computer can not display Chinese website, you need download font Simsun (4.63 MB).Neu may tinh cua ban chua co font de hien thi tieng Trung (Chinese), ban can download font Simsun (10MB) de hien thi chu tieng Trung tren website.

Download font Simsun
1. Download file Simsum.ttf to a folder, such as C:\temp.1. Download tap tin Simsum.ttf vao mot thu muc tren may tinh, chang han nhu C:\temp.
2. Select Control Panel, point to Fonts icon.2. Vao Control Panel, va chon bieu tuong Fonts.

4. Select menu File - Install New Font, browse to folder containing file font Simsun (Ex: C\Temp), select file font Simsun. Click OK.4. Tren trinh don File , chon Install New Font va chi vao thu muc chua font Simsun (vi du: thu muc C:\temp), chon font Simsun. Ban bam vao nut OK de cai dat font nay.Good luck!Chuc ban thanh cong.

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